Starting 9/15/14 all non mesh clothing items will come with the following appliers in the packaging:
1. Phat/Cute Azz
2. Lolas- Tango, Mirage etc...
3. Lush Breasts
The following appliers may be requested for any non mesh clothing for a small additional fee:
1. SLink Physique
2. Ghetto/Cutie Booty
3. WowMeh
4. Polymorph Wideload
5. 9s
6. Loud Mouth
*****Belleza when available*******
While I own all of these applier systems, it takes a lot of time and effort to make appliers for every release. With the ever growing amount of mesh body parts, it's just too much. I will be more than happy to make them if requested however.
To request an applier of a product you buy, please send a note card to Ginny Nostram. Your note MUST include the OFFICIAL transaction history of your purchase, your actual avatar name (not screen name) the name of the brand you need an applier for, and our product's name. If your NC does not have your transaction history you will be charged the purchase price of the clothing for your applier.
If you can show proof of purchase of the clothing you are requesting it will cost you 50L for the applier.
exe... you bought one pair of jeans--applier is 50L, you bought a shirt and pants separately appliers would be 50L each, you bought an outfit that included a shirt AND pants, both appliers would be only 50L together!
If you do not have proof of purchase you will have to pay store cost of the clothing you are wanting an applier for.
exe....Emphatic Jeans are 165L. If you have not purchased them, or do not have proof of purchase, you will pay 165L for your applier.
I will not make appliers for clothing I did not create!
I will ONLY make appliers for body parts I already own.
Thank you for your time and understanding!!!
Beaunciea Silvercloud
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